- Course Creator: Sarah Roberts
- Course Leader: Fraser Lewis
- Course Leader: Sarah Roberts
In this activity you will use Hubble's original data from 1929 to find a value for Hubble's constant and calculate the age of the Universe. You will then use more recent data to plot your own Hubble diagram, and find more accurate values for these.
In the 1920's, Edwin Hubble, after proving that other galaxies were located outside of our own Galaxy, introduced a way of classifying galaxies according to their appearance and illustrated his classification scheme with his famous ʻtuning fork diagram'.
In this project you will use data taken with the Faulkes Telescopes, to produce colour images of galaxies of different types, and create your own FT tuning fork diagram.
It is now generally accepted that at the centre of active galaxies lies a black hole, which is accreting a disk of gas. Some of these disks produce jets, highly energetic plumes of hot, ionized gas which are propelled by twisted magnetic fields in the galaxy's gas.
In this project you will use data taken with the Faulkes Telescopes to produce a colour image of the active galaxy, M87 and its jet, and measure the size of the jet using SalsaJ.
The generally accepted model for structure formation in the Universe present is that smaller objects formed first in the Universe, and that through a series of mergers, began forming the larger galaxies which we see today. Observations of interacting galaxies give a snap-shot in time of collisions which actually last billions of years. By using computer simulations to model these interactions, astronomers can look into the past and the future of these encounters and look at how structure formed in the Universe.
In this project you will use the Java applet applet, 'Galaxy Crash' (written by Chris Mihos, Case Western University, USA - http://burro.astr.cwru.edu/JavaLab/), to simulate interactions of galaxies. You will create tidal tails and elliptical galaxies, and reproduce the types of galaxy interactions which we observe today.
In this project you image some galaxies and comment on the features visible in them. You will then make various quantitative measurements including the pitch angles of the spiral arms and how large the central bulge is relative to the whole visible galaxy. Finally you will classify your galaxies according to the Hubble galaxy classification.