Worksheets & Activities - Earth & Beyond
The following worksheets contain physics-based questions for the module, 'Earth and Beyond'. They are aimed at Key Stage 3 Students, but have also been split into 'Introductory' and 'Advanced' to enable all abilities of KS3 students to use them. In some cases there may not be a great difference between the types questions at each level but, for example, the terminology used will differ depending on if it is the 'Introductory' or 'Advanced' worksheet. It is obviously the teacher's decision as to which worksheets would be more suitable for their students. We have also written an introduction document which contains teaching strategies for this module, together with a set of activity instructions which details how to use the FTs in relation to this module.
- Course Creator: Sarah Roberts
- Course Leader: Lothar Kurtze
- Course Leader: Sarah Roberts